Thursday, October 21, 2010

Not growing up...

Hey Family and Friends,
I have decided something tonight. I don't think I want to grow up. I mean when you see all those people that can't wait to get out of middle school and High School and be all "grown up" I think that is really kinda silly right about now. Why would anyone want to grow up? I mean think about it. As of right now...I am living the life! I mean sure, there is school-everyone has school, sure...there is the hardships of being a teen, but there is going to be hardships as an adult too. A lot of teenagers can't wait to be all grown up to get away from their parents. Do they not realize, that there is a good reason why they are with their parents until a certain age? Most of them are not mature enough to make right choices like doing your school work before watching a movie, let alone being an adult. Then we have our loving parents who are right there to take care of you. Why would I want to leave any of this? Sure, there is a time and a place for growing up and it will happen eventually. But as of right now- I am completely happy with being a teenager living under my family's house. All I'm enjoy every day you live. One day, you are going to regret it if you don't. That's all for tonight. It's been a long day, a very long day but it's been an awesome day as well.Good Night and God Bless! :)

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised" Proverbs 31:30

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