Thursday, November 4, 2010


Hello Friends and Family,
I dont know about you guys, but I bet when you see the word Stress, some things come to mind. Sometimes it is things like school(big time for me), Family, Friends, Relationships, and even work. It is different for everyone, but when it comes to stress there is a few things we should all remember. Stress effects everyone. I can assure you, your best friend, your Mom, Dad, and even sister have all suffered from a case of stress one time or another. Second, This Too Shall Pass. Yes, this is a proverb, but it's so true! Stress, along with most things are only temporary and eventually the stress in your life will leave. Third, Stress Hurts. Your laughing right now thinking, Well...yeah!" But it does. Stress can be really painful. If you are stressed out make sure you have someone around you that you can talk to about it. This can be a parent, a family member, a pastor, or even your best friend. They can be a great resource to help you deal with the stress in your life. Hope this helps you lead, a fun Stress free Life! :) God Bless!

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