Monday, July 11, 2011

Camp NaNo Update- Day 10- WINNER!!!

Total Word Count: 50,803
Total Word Count Goal For The Day: Who cares?!
Mood: Acomplished!!
Update: I DID IT! WHOOOOOOOOOO! Earlier in the day I officially crossed that finish line! I strongly believe that this Camp NaNo will be one I will remember for quite awhile now. Not only was this NaNo my very first NaNo ever, but it was also the very first Camp NaNo ever offered. I also succeeded at my goal of writing 50,000 words in a month. And I actually went one step beyond that and wrote that many words in about 10 days. My goal for next time I try this? Finish in a week. ;) I wish I was kidding, but one day I'd love to give that a try. I know, I know. I'm loosing it. :D

Tomorrow I'll publish a post that contains the goals that I set for myself, and what happened to those goals while I wrote this month. I think I'll shock myself. Some of you may have noticed the purple, little word counter on the right hand side of my blog. I have been updating that regularly throughout Camp NaNo. I wanted to let you know that I will continue to be updating that this month, because I will continue writing. I also think I will continue to update my blog here on my progress, just maybe not as frequently as I did during NaNo. We'll see.Now that my goal has officially been passed, I want to see how much farther I can take it. Sure, I don't think I'm going to be writing nearly as much every day(we hope to protect my sanity- oh wait, too late) but we'll see what happens! (:

A huge THANK YOU to every single person who has been supporting me through this. Some of you were here with me from the planning stage on, and others joined me later on in the month. Whichever category you fall under, thanks for helping me out with this! You're awesome and your support means a lot. <3

SO! I have a question for all of you, and your opinion matters here. Camp NaNo is also offered next month. What do you guys think? Do you think I should try it again? Next month, right after this one? Dang, that would be difficult but a lot of fun. I want to know your opinion! If you want, head on over to the poll on the right side of the blog here and vote for me. It would mean a lot. (: Thanks so much!

1 comment:

  1. Wooooooowwwww, I am sooooo sorry, I wasn't here when this was posted, and I totally forgot to come back and read it. But anyway, AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I am SOOOO excited for you!!!!!!! That is amazingly awesome that you won!!!!!! {And please forgive me if you've mentioned it before, but}What is it about? I am so excited that you won!!! does that mean that you get to have it published?
