Monday, July 4, 2011

Camp NaNo Update- Day 4

Total Word Count: 21,784
Total Word Count Goal For The Day: 6,452
Mood: Determined
Update: Happy 4th of July everyone! (: I hope you all have had an amazing day of fireworks, parties, family traditions, or barbeque's! I would love to be updating you right now and telling you all that I made it to my goal of 25K. But sadly, that's not the case. I have been finding it a little harder to get distracted these past few days. But I'm determined to make it to 25K within the next few days or so. I think it all depends on just how determined I am to make that goal. So we'll see how everything goes, and I'll keep you updated. But I have a question for all you writers out there. Maybe you can help me out. Post your ideas in the comments, and I can assure you, they will be greatly appreciated! Love you guys! <3 Thanks so much for all your support!

How do you get rid of writers block?

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