Friday, November 26, 2010

Not all about the Turkey!

Hi again,
I hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving today! All full of Turkey? Haha! If your family is like most in the United States and Canada you ate a huge Turkey and stuffed yourself with common things like mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce,candied yams,deviled eggs,and of course a Turkey just to list a few of the many things that are eaten on Thanksgiving day. This has been a common tradition sense Thanksgiving day was even created. As most of you know this was way back in 1621 when the pilgrims were so thankful for food. That is where we get the tradition nowadays to fix so much food and stuff ourselves. Well when you really stop and think about it, this holiday is not all about the Turkey at all! In fact, it's not at all about the food. It's about being thankful. Think about 1 thing that your thankful for. That's what thanksgiving is all about! Something else? Exactly. Any of those things that came to mind are all things that Thanksgiving is about. Thanksgiving is all about being thankful and it is very important to remember that. This thanksgiving, I was able to spend the day with family and God really opened my eyes to see just how much family means to me. What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? God Bless!

"Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ"

Ephesians 5:20

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Leslie Ludy - Three Questions

Minor Setbacks

Hey Family and Friends,
Things happen in life that a lot of times, we just are caught unprepared for. Minor Setbacks can happen in all kinds of forms. Some of which include, internet going down(yep, been there), a bad grade on a test, or a rejection from the school newspaper. In whichever form these may take, it is important to remember something. Instead of stressing out...feeling hopeless and not sure of what to do...we should give it to God. We should let him have all the trouble of the internet going down or the bad grade on the test. He can handle that a lot better then we can. And get this. He wants us to give it to him. When we have these Minor setbacks that can be so stressful from our is important to know that 1, God loves us so much...and 2, These things happen to everyone. So when this kinda thing happens to you again..try to relax and give it to God. It can make life a lot easier! God Bless!

"Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you." Psalm 9:10

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pursuing Your Talent

Hey Family and Friends,
Yesterday I talked about Finding Your Hidden talent. Tonight,I am back with a follow up to that: Pursuing Your talent. So now that you have figured out what that hidden talent of yours is, what do you do with it? Do you hide it and do nothing with it feeling like you are not good enough? No! You should no the opposite of that: Pursue it. Your talent was given to you for a reason. Once you find out what it is you need to start Pursuing it. How? Here are some thoughts to get you started. Let's say your talent is singing.( it can be many things, but I am using singing as an example) The first thing you should do is practice your talent to make it better. All talents, although a talent..can be improved in time.So in using our example, you would practice singing as much as you can. The next thing you should do is look for a way to use your talent. With singing, find a talent show to sign up with and sing! You should get out there as much as possibly with your talent. Make sure that your talent is something that you love and want to keep pursuing. Learn more about your talent so you can make it better. You should also do one single, very important thing. Have fun! Without having fun, what is the use of having and pursuing a talent of yours? Make sure to have fun in anything that you are pursuing. It will pay off in the long run! A huge aspect to having and pursuing a talent is to make sure that the focus of your talent is God. You want your talent to be pleasing to him, in everything you do. So if singing is your talent..make sure you are singing for God. I hope everyone has an amazing night, God Bless!

John 14:18
"I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you."

Finding Your Talent

Hey Family and Friends,
Quick! Think of one thing that you love more then anything in the world!! What was it? Maybe it was reading, writing,kids,family,sports,school or singing. Whatever came to something you care a lot about. Now how about another one! Something your good at? Again, it could be anything. My point here is this. Everyone has a talent. Something that they not only love, but are also good at. Everyone has one. Yes..even you. Finding your talent should be easy right? I mean it is something you are good at..and then you eventually love it. Sometimes it's not always that easy. For would have never guessed I hated writing about a year ago. Writing anything was seen as a pain in my opinion and I hated it. you can now see writing has turned into so much more then just something I 'hate" or have to do for school. It has turned into a talent that I love dearly and am so glad I have found. The way I found it? God. Slowly..God started showing me my talent for writing..sometimes when I least expect it. Sometimes it is even something so simple as writing a letter, or singing out a song in your room. You will slowly start to realize your talent. It takes time, but it will come. And once you find that's amazing. :) Good luck in finding your talent(and sometimes more then one). God Bless everyone!

"13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Staying Strong

Hey Family and Friends,
Have you ever had one of those days when everything was just not going as planned? You woke up way too late, spilled your cereal all over, missed the bus and had to walk to school....okay you get the point. I doubt your day was going THAT badly! But hey-It might have been.:) We all know that on these can be hard. Half the time we feel there was really no reason we should even stay awake. Well..during these days were nothing makes sense and everything is going crazy..just remember this. Jesus loves and cares about you, and everything happens for a reason. When you are having a terrible day...stop and realize that it was just one day. One day out of the average amount of 25, 000 days in a lifetime. Do you get my point? Sure, today might be hard. You might feel like pulling out all your hair, throwing in the towel and forgetting about school all together(I have been there-trust me!) But remember that it is important to stay strong. Jesus is walking each and every step with you. Sometimes it might not feel that way, I know. But just know he is. He is walking every step with you and cares so much about you. You mean the world to him. So just remember-the next day that is really just not going all that great, know that Jesus is with you...helping you along. He loves to talk to you. Tell him what's going on. He is the best listener you can ever find! Trust me! :) And again, remember that today is only one day out of 25,000. Wow!  Stay Strong! Have a good night everyone, God Bless!

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Sunday, November 14, 2010

"Not so Perfect" Nails..

Hello Friends and Family,
Tonight I set out to do something that I have not done in awhile:Paint my nails. At first I sat here thinking, this is going to be so much fun, I am so exited! Soon after finishing I looked down at my nails to see....a mess. My hands looked like  a bottle of nail polish had been spilled all over them. They looked far from perfect. At first I got frustrated, sitting here thinking, "I always stink at doing my nails, why do I even try?" Then I realized that although doing my nails is something I am not very good at...I should not stress out about it because there are things out there I am good at. Same goes you for, and everyone else. Sometimes you might feel like you can't do anything or that you are no good at something just because you did not do your nails perfectly, score an A on that math test, or get the cute guy on the football team to talk to you. It can be discouraging, I know. But when you have those moments that you are thinking you are no good at something, you should stop and think about what you are good at, because it's there. Everyone is good at something, weather or not you know it yet. When you do find out something your good at, keep going for it because it will be well worth it! Step stressing about not having the "perfect nails" and go try something that you know you are good at. Every one of us is unique in our own special way. There is something about us, well everything about us that makes us different from say your best friend, your mom or your sister. It is what makes each one of us, you. So sometimes when you think you aren't the best at something and it gets you feeling upset, stop and think. God created each and every one of us special. He loves you, and loves me. He created us unique on purpose and loves everything about you. :) Hope you all have a good night, God Bless! And remember, God made you special.

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

Saturday, November 13, 2010

"This is all too much!!!!"- Overextending

Angel sighed and looked up from her science notebook to answer the phone. "Hello?" She questioned. "Hi Angel-I just wanted to make sure you remembered the party tomorrow at 3?" Angel sighed as she all the sudden was reminded of the party she had made plans to go to. "Yeah, I'll be there."After hanging up the phone she continued to try and work on her science lesson that was far from making sense. Her mom soon came up the stairs to remind her that she had play practice the next day and she needed to practice for it. Not too long after, she remembered she needed to email back a response for the job application that she had submitted earlier in the week before it was too late. She needed that job.Not to mention God, that she had barley talked to or cared about all within the past week.

Sound a lot like your life? I know it sounds very similar to mine at the moment! :) When you have so many things stacked up to do, like play practice, trying to get a job, nagging school work, a friend that needs to know you still care, and God who is desperately trying to have a relationship with you.  Its time to stop overextending yourself and get your priorities strait. I dont know about you but when I sit down to do school work I can find that the smallest little thing can be so distracting and I can get nothing done! it can be so annoying. When you find that these little things are being so much of a both you should stop and decide what is most important in that list. I dont know about you, but when I look at that list..I easily see that God should be number 1 in this situation. Once he is placed first..the rest will soon follow. So I dare you all to give this a try. Take one situation in your life that you are feeling really stressed out in, and give it to God and just see what happens. I think you will be amazed by the results. :) Sometimes all it takes is giving it to God. (not as easy as it sounds, I know) Anyways..I hope everyone has an awesome evening. Tell me how this goes! God Bless!


Hello Friends and Family,
Everyone has just had one of those "bad days" those times where you would rather do anything but be awake and facing the day? Yeah. We have all been there. Depression in teens is much more serious then that though. Depression is a series problem that should be handled with care. Some signs of depression include, staying away from family and friends, sadness, feeling lost or hopeless, changes in sleeping habits or even thoughts of death and suicide. If you or a friend is having any of these symptoms, there are some ways you can help. Talking to them makes a huge difference. A friend's opinion is a very special one, and chances are they will think about what you are saying. Make sure to offer support and let them know you care a lot about what they are going through. It is important for them to know that they have someone to talk to. When they do decide to open up and talk, make sure you are there to listen. :) Stay with the friend and make sure they know you care. Be sure not to leave a friend who is feeling isolated or depressed. It will only make things worse. You can also encourage your friend to get some help. Being a friend of someone who is depressed can give you a huge advantage. They will listen to you more. Make sure to tell someone if they are having suicidal thoughts. They need some help, and will greatly thank you later when you tell someone. :)

Now, what if it's you who is feeling depressed? If you are the one feeling depressed, then you should know that there is always another solution out there. Things might feel really bad, frustrating and like there is really no hope, but there is. Talk to someone if you are feeling depressed, even if it's your friend. Sometimes the best thing for you can be talking to someone who cares. Please see the sites available to help you or your friend with teen depression.

Where does God fit into all this? God hates to see any of us, his sons and daughters in Christ depressed, stressed, or in pain in any way. He cares about each and every one of us so much. He wants you to reach out to him when you are feeling stressed or depressed. He knows what you are feeling and wants to help you. He is walking with you every step of the way and cares about you so much. :) I hope all of you have an amazing rest of your night. Please check out the resources at the bottom of this blog if you are feeling depressed. :)

"In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him." 1 John 4:9

Depression Resources

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A love for Brazil

Hello Family and Friends,
A few years ago our church had a few Brazilian missionaries come to visit with us. Although sometimes communicating was hard to do, I quickly fell in love with Brazil. There was something about it that was breathtaking...and I had quickly found a love for it. I spent every moment I could with these missionaries. After they went back home, I quickly started researching Brazil and decided I loved it. It was one of the first things that made me think about becoming a missionary one day, or at least going on a mission trip to Brazil. After quite awhile, life moved on and for the most part I had Brazil out of my head. Then, tonight while I was talking with a friend of mine she brought up this friend of hers she was talking to. He is a citizen of Brazil. After the help of my friend to chat back and forth, I once again thought back to those memories of Brazil, the missionaries and my love for Brazil. It made me think back to when I wanted to learn the language, had a huge love for Brazil and could not wait to go there for a mission trip. I am happy to say that my love for Brazil, has never has just been hidden for awhile. I am glad to have it back. I think the best thing that I could do prepare for a future mission trip would be to try and learn as much Portuguese as possible..and start saving money. :) Brazil, here I come! God Bless!

"34 “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Matthew 6:34

Sunday, November 7, 2010

When Your Friend is Stressed...

Hello Family and Friends,
Last time I posted I talked about stress in general, and some common ways to deal with stress so you can still function during the day. But one thing I did not really bring up too much, is what to do if your friend is stressed out. I decided to bring that up tonight. :)When a friend is stressed out the best thing you can do for them is be there for them. Sometimes it can be as simple as a phone call to let them know you care, or something like talking to them in person. You need to let them know that even when everything in their life is stressing them out, they can still come to you for help and most importantly, someone to talk to. Friends need someone to talk to. Without friends all of us would be lonely right? I bet, if you were stressed you would want your friend helping you out too. :) Also, besides just being there for your stressed out friend you also might want to tr and figure out the cause of the stress in your friends life. For everyone, it is different. It can be family, friends, or even relationships. You never know. Let your friend talk, they should be able to express their feelings and it can make them feel a lot less stressed out and more relaxed just to know that someone wants to listen. So, like I mentioned before, be there for your friend, let her talk, and try to figure out what's going on. When you figure out the source of the problem, you might be able to stop the stress and help your friend out. If not, then at least you know to avoid the subject until they are no longer stressed about it.(Unless of course they bring it up, then it's fine)Lastly, if the problem is big enough you should suggest that they see a professional to get some help in the area. Make sure you present this idea positively. :)  So, just a wrap up of everything that's been said. Be there for them, Let them talk, Try to figure out the problem, and if needed have them contact a professional or a trained adult. :) So, there's my thoughts on what to do when you have a stressed out friend. I hope everyone has a great night tonight, I had a good night myself. :) God Bless!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Hello Friends and Family,
I dont know about you guys, but I bet when you see the word Stress, some things come to mind. Sometimes it is things like school(big time for me), Family, Friends, Relationships, and even work. It is different for everyone, but when it comes to stress there is a few things we should all remember. Stress effects everyone. I can assure you, your best friend, your Mom, Dad, and even sister have all suffered from a case of stress one time or another. Second, This Too Shall Pass. Yes, this is a proverb, but it's so true! Stress, along with most things are only temporary and eventually the stress in your life will leave. Third, Stress Hurts. Your laughing right now thinking, Well...yeah!" But it does. Stress can be really painful. If you are stressed out make sure you have someone around you that you can talk to about it. This can be a parent, a family member, a pastor, or even your best friend. They can be a great resource to help you deal with the stress in your life. Hope this helps you lead, a fun Stress free Life! :) God Bless!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Hello Friends and Family,
I was thinking tonight before I went to bed about something kinda important. Trust. Trust is a very important aspect of life. You have to trust someone to have a good relationship with them. So that had me thinking about God. If you have to trust people in order to have a good relationship with them, then that would mean you have to trust God as well. I have to admit, I have not been putting as much trust in God as I should be. I think you have to fully trust that whatever he is doing in your life is for the better, and that God is in control. Sometimes this can be a really hard concept to grasp, trust me I know. I think a lot of times we think we can handle it, and that everything is going just fine. But there are some times that you just have to stop and realize..that things would be going so much easier if we would trust in God that everything will be just fine. So there is kinda my thoughts for tonight. It is finally November! 2 ore months or so and it will be 2011. Wow....amazing how fast times flies. Have a great night, God Bless!

"And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” Acts 16:31